
Shoneez automotive company was established in 1987 in Syria by its founders Mr. Abdullah Al Talli and his sons Mr. Michel & Wael Al Talli.

The name Shoneez was chosen from the organs of the Arabic language considering the significance & historical usage of the word. The literary meaning is (A plant that fruit the black seed ).

Starting from the Sacredness and the deep meaning of historical finding of the word, we chose Shoneez to be our title to start toward our new method with insistence & determinate will.

Since the base store is the good will toward the perseverance at work which is characterized with honesty is giving, the roots of the plant Shoneez has extended from Syria toward, Kuwait, UAE, Lebanon then Bahrain, Jordan , Russia, Ukraine… continuing to work  is all aspects of honest business performance.

al tali family

Mr. Abdullah Al Talli and his sons Mr. Michel & Wael Al Talli.


Shoneez Flower

altali family 2

With this family that made a firm commitment to quality, integrity and credibility its priorities, Shoneez Company continued to grow until it became the Shoneez Commercial Group and included various activities and businesses while maintaining the basic principle of a firm commitment to quality, integrity and credibility. , making it its mission to always put customers first. We are a trusted business partner domestically and internationally, with a reputation earned through 38 years of outstanding service, inspiring performance and growing leadership.

Eng . Michel Abdullah Altalli

Eng .Wael Abdullah Altalli

shoneez altali car
Shoneez Export
shoneez plus
renault trucks
CAMC Trucks
Shoneez Equipment
Shoneez Fabrication